❓Common FAQs

What are your opening times?

We are open on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 9 AM to 1 PM or until 3 PM for those aged 3 and above. Additionally, on Friday, our hours are from 9 AM to 1 PM

What are the term dates?

The Autumn Term 2024 runs from Tuesday, 3rd September to Monday, 16th December spanning 15 weeks. There's a half-term break from Monday, 28th October to Friday, 1st November.

The Spring Term 2025 extends from Monday, 6th January to Friday, 4th April, lasting for 12 weeks. There is a half-term break from Monday, 17th February to Friday, 21st February.

The Summer Term 2025 extends from Tuesday, 22nd April to Friday, 18th July, lasting for 12 weeks. There is a May bank holiday on Monday 5th May and a half-term break from Monday, 26th May to Friday, 30th May.

What happens at the settling in session?

Before starting, you'll be invited to a settling session, attending a few initial sessions with your child to ease the transition. This helps you and your child get to know us, understand our routine and relieve any anxieties you might have. It also helps us to build a picture and gain further understanding about your child.

How long will it take for my child to settle?

Each child is different; some settle quickly, while others need more time. We are happy to accommodate this, ensuring a comfortable settling process with plenty of opportunities for you to come and play with your child and ask us any questions you might have before you leave them in our care.

What does my child need to bring to nursery each day?

  • Please send a fruit or vegetable in a named pot and water in a named bottle for mid-morning snack time.
  • A packed lunch (Please no nut products as we have children with allergies).
  • A named warm coat and hat during the winter months.
  • Named wellies for your child that can be kept at the Playgroup.
  • In warmer months, a named sun hat.
  • Spare clothes for your child.
  • Nappies, wipes and bags, if your child is not potty trained.

What is the keyworker system at the playgroup?

The keyworker system ensures that each staff member is assigned a small group of children, fostering individual connections and providing personalized attention.

We feel that the benefits of this system are enormous. Transition from home to Playgroup is made easier if there is a relationship with one special adult in the group and there is no risk of a quiet or withdrawn child being ignored. Any difficulties or anxieties encountered by a child can be spotted quickly and parents have someone specific with whom to communicate.

The keyworker system does not mean that the child will only become familiar with that particular member of staff, as our setting is run by a team of practitioners who are dedicated to the care and development of all the children.

What should I do if my child is unwell?

If your child is unwell we ask you to please follow and respect the guidance provided by the Public Health Agency

Is there a uniform?

We offer a Playgroup uniform but it is not compulsory. Please keep in mind we do have messy play and outdoor activities.

Please click here to order directly from our supplier. Please note that you will be charged for delivery.

  • Sweatshirts – £10.99 available in red, navy and purple
  • Polo Shirts – £7.50 available in red, navy and purple
  • T-Shirts – £5.99 available in red, royal and bottle green
  • Full Zip Fleece – £13.50 available in royal, navy and black

What happens if the Playgroup needs to close due to severe weather conditions?

In the event of a temporary closure due to adverse weather, information will be accessible through Warren Playgroup’s Facebook page, local radio broadcasts, or the County Council website.

What is the Tapestry Online Learning Journal?

All children attending Warren Playgroup have a personal online learning journey which records photos, observations and comments in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage, to build up a record of your child's experience during their time with us.

We use Tapestry, a system which is hosted in the UK on secure servers. You will have secure access (via email address and password) to your child's learning journey and, in addition to viewing our contributions, we encourage you to add to it by uploading photos and comments, or commenting on observations made by us.

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